Is There Any Age Limit for Botox?

The age limit for cosmetic applications is usually 18. Botox is an application suitable for everyone over the age of 18. If the person does not have a very serious illness and is not allergic to Botox, is a suitable candidate for Botox. It can be applied up to the age of 65. In this sense, there is no age limit. Of course, the final decision will be made by the expert who made the application. Age limits for men and women are the same.

Who is eligible for Botox Lip Flip?

It is important that a specialist who knows Where to inject botox for lip flip does this application. Because of the botox substance injected in the wrong place, it can lead to serious problems. Suitable candidates for Botox are people who have a lip aesthetics problem and are over the age of 18. This application, which is made due to aesthetic concerns, is a successful cosmetic operation that makes the lips look fuller. If you are allergic to Botox, we do not recommend this application. Because very serious skin problems may occur in your body.

What to do after Botox Lip Flip?

In fact, you just need to pay attention to the recommendations of your doctor. There are not too many restrictive things after Botox. You just need to be careful for the first few hours. Already you will be told the necessary instructions and what to look for. On the first day, do not feed too hot or cold, kiss and protect your lips from hard blows. The day after the application, you will feel more comfortable and relax. The effect of botox is on the first day. On the second day you will relax and return to normal life. Botox is one of the least restricted cosmetic applications.

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